isolationist|isolationists in English


[i·so·la·tion·ist || ‚aɪsə'leɪʃnɪst]

supporter of isolationism, one who supports a policy of noninvolvement in the affairs of other countries

Use "isolationist|isolationists" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "isolationist|isolationists" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "isolationist|isolationists", or refer to the context using the word "isolationist|isolationists" in the English Dictionary.

1. We need to reverse this isolationist doctrine.

2. Vori is an isolationist nation.

3. However, they were intensely isolationist in foreign policy.

4. The government had to overcome isolationist opposition to the plan.

5. Crestfall is an Alliance zone, populated by isolationist Kul Tirans

6. The US constitution ample evidence of the founding fathers isolationist orientation.

7. The Republican leadership has clearly decided to resist the isolationist label.

8. North Korea has not fully adopted mainstream Internet technology due to its isolationist policies.

9. They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.

10. For most of our history we were isolationist. For two fleeting decades we were predominant.

11. Yet the aid package passed in an instinctively isolationist Congress with only a modest handful of dissenters.

12. Foreign travel is restricted by the government, which has pursued an isolationist course for a generation.

13. Bush leaves a first impression that, while his government is not deliberately isolationist, it is comfortable with being isolated.

14. Cyclopes are one-eyed giants that eke out a meager existence in wild lands. Isolationists by nature, they avoid contact with other races and try to drive away strangers in their territory.

15. Anthropophagite; eat; References in periodicals archive? Such crucial questions can be answered only by the community itself, and this will only happen when it sees itself in a less idealized and self-congratulatory fashion, without falling into the isolationist trap of multiculturalism,